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The summit of the two camps, respectively is the Chinese cheap nike free industry brand representatives and to corner bead three Delta areas mainly supermarkets and department stores footwear department representative, in addition, a professor at the Renmin University of China, Chinese business economy learns vice-chairman Professor Huang Guoxiong, the Chinese Economics Academia authority figures, in the Nike summit "to brand for the pilot, with limited commercial development unlimited market" brilliant speech, as the Nike summit laid the theoretical foundation for the smooth development of.

While the two camps of representatives will be on the "nba shoes brand with Stores supermarket perfect docking" to carry on the discussion, to the industry contribution to an argument is original, wonderful and connotation of the "summit", argument quality circulation channels how to better promote the development of Chinese Nike, continue to world shoe line of business economic development play a better role in promoting.

In addition to the traditional brand marketing channels, the summit was also invited Chinese e-commerce network leader -- represented network president Mr. Xing Kongyu, an argument that modern electronic commerce to Chinese nike shoes online industry development brought tremendous influence, analysis of e-commerce brings to the traditional Nike brand marketing opportunities, and "good music to buy" general manager Lu Ming with real Nike brand of electronic commerce marketing case, analysis of the Nike brand how to through the electronic commerce to achieve better sales results, and achieve a better marketing performance.


