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Yes, the water monkey ! Several Marshal staring at the water body smooth animals, certainly authentic. Marshal seen online such animals, mythical Central America, the Water Monkey is a legendary man-eating monster, half- human, half- monkey fake ray bans tail minister had a hand, grab the water's edge for people, especially people eating eyes, teeth and nails. ray ban sale Sometimes cries with the people lead to the water's edge, will be caught. Chinese folklore there is a monster lurking in the water, that Kelpie, commonly known as water monkey, the animal over the body hair, red head black face, is said to be similar to the rash of ghosts ghosts ghosts of people drowning in the water by Kasei ray ban sale a person must be drowned as a substitute for its students to take off, the characteristics of this water into the water Monster is the Titanic, no force ashore chicken tied, so it has to change into a variety of objects in the water, such as into a large watermelon floating on the water, or become a red tail fish sleep on the water, close to rely on these tricks to attract people once leaned forward to catch such items, monsters will take advantage of the people dragged into the water drowning, draw blood, chewing human flesh, and then off the birth, and it is eaten by people, into another Kelpie, Kelpie continued predecessors trick.

Marshal did not expect to have water in the macaque monkey hill. But now Marshal Water Monkey see, regardless of appearance or movements, are associated with the legend of the Water Monkey online far, some things online, but some people are the ones who did not believe in, or seeing is believing ah. The children see so strange Water Monkey, a time stunned. fake sunglasses Long looked, even Wanger Zi rushed gone temporarily forgotten. We can see that the water monkey bars bodybuilding physique, colorful, zigzag pattern changing body, and ray ban sale the swimming male contingent is definitely a rare earth strange things, but the most unusual is that these four water animals seem full of spirituality, especially water monkey eyes were rolling in, but also more flexible than the human eye.

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